Thursday, December 10, 2009

My Kids

I praise God that I have a four year old daughter who changes her clothes five times a day and wears more pairs of shoes in a day than I do in one week.

I praise God that I have a two year old that drags around four blankies that have been with him since birth and I honestly don't know if and how he'll ever give them up.

I praise God that I have a six year old that has an honest addiction to building Legos and has eyes so beautiful that I fear the day girls will notice them as well.

I praise God that I have a baby who is 30 weeks old and that every time he/she kicks me, I am reminded of how big God is and how small this child is yet how amazingly powerful this child has been in so many peoples' lives and he/she has yet to breathe one breath on this earth. That is amazing. And the common factor in all of my children is that they are all blessings and God has graciously lent them all to Rick and I for a time.

~ Summer


  1. Thank you Summer. Thank you for the reminder of how precious the little moments are with the people we love the most.

  2. Praise the Lord for these beautiful children - all 4 of them!

