Thursday, November 5, 2009

Week 24 Update and Prayer Requests

Many people ask:  "How can I be praying?"  We are truly grateful for your prayers - His strength is what will sustain us and knowing that our friends and family are coming alongside us through prayer greatly encourages us.

Summer and I saw the OB on Monday. While many of our questions were answered, the overall outcome remains the same. We heard our baby's strong heartbeat and Summer continues to feel the kicks. The baby is a healthy baby except with no kidneys and undeveloped lungs. We won't know how the placenta is doing until Nov. 25th. We are also praying that we will be able to find out the baby's gender so that we can start praying for him or her by name.

The delivery time frame has been set, barring any emergencies.  Summer will deliver the baby, either via C-section, or inducing, during the 36th week - around January 25th.

Here are our latest prayer requests:
1) Pray that the placenta moves - this will determine delivery method and also take away the threat of it rupturing.
2) Pray for continued peace and rest in our family.
3) Pray for the grandparents - it has been said that grandparents who loose a grandchild grieve twice - for the loss of the grandchild and for their children's grief. This is a heavy burden to carry.
4) There will be many decisions made in the next couple of months during the busiest time of the year for me. Please pray that I would manage time well and have the right priorities set - that I am the husband that Summer needs in this time and the father my living children need.
Thank you for praying.

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