Monday, January 25, 2010

January 22nd Ended With Hope

On January 22nd at 9:32pm, we beheld Michael Jesse, and he beheld God's glory.

It hurts so much. My only rest is in the knowledge that he is not hurting at all and is in perfect peace -  safe in the arms of God. This is the hope that has never left our hearts since we knew about Michael's diagnosis on October 13th.

"But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you." Psalm 39:7


  1. Such a beautiful picture!
    much love,

  2. I have been following this since you gave me the link to your blog. I hate and love that picture and then there comes all the feelings that go along with that. Why would I be able to have a healthy baby and you would not? All the questions that only our great, sovereign, and just El Shaddai can and will ever know. We couldn't handle the knowledge. I pray all the best for you and your family. Michael Jesse only passed from this life to everlasting life. I take rest in this.

  3. Summer

    I'm so sorry. He is such a beautiful baby.


  4. Your baby is so beautiful. I know it's hard to understand. I lost my baby boy and I now can feel so blessed from God to have had him and I even have peace that God took him. I know that I am undeserving, but know that our inheritance in the kingdom of heaven will soon arrive and we will be reunited. I know you have much support, but if you need to talk to someone who lost their baby too, you can contact me thru Samantha Etherton. I am her aunt.
    I will continue to pray for your family.
