Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Only a Few Days

Today Summer had her final appointment with the OB. They did a final ultrasound. I got to see this little person looking back at me on the monitor, with his or her little fists up by the face. What a treasure that was!

There is still no indication on gender. The technician tried so hard too. She did lean towards a boy based on some shadows she saw, but she was not 100% sure. Another technician had also leaned toward boy because of shadows in an earlier ultrasound. A praise we have coming out of the ultrasound is that the placenta has again moved and is no longer low-lying but completely out of the way of the cervix. What an answer to prayer! Chances of a C-Section are now very low compared to what they were earlier on.

We then saw the OB and she went over final logistics and answered our final questions. This one hit me the hardest – "What time do we need to come to the hospital?". "5:00pm on Sunday" was her reply. This is it. It is the moment in time which I have been dreading since October 13th. Everything in me wants to say, "Summer, lets just not show up and do something fun instead." I know this is a ridiculous notion, as if Summer can remain pregnant for the rest of her life. But it is what I am feeling. I do not want to face what we will face this coming Sunday night. There will never be a right time for this to happen.

As the days dwindle down, there are a few prayer requests:

  1. For our children: That they sense God's peace in this whole situation and through the actions of Summer and I as we parent them through this.
  2. For Ellie: That God would soften her heart to the real possibility that this baby is a boy when she feels so strongly that it is a girl and that she will be ok with this and will love this baby no matter the sex.
  3. For our family and friends that are traveling to encourage and support us.
  4. We so desperately want to see our baby live, for however long it is. Pray that the baby survives the birth and that God's mercy would allow us to see his or her eyes looking back at us.
  5. Pray that all those nurses, doctors and staff who are involved with our family at the hospital would see one thing: God's love for all of us in a painful world.

Thank you. Your prayers and your notes of encouragement have not gone unnoticed. There are times we are not able to respond, but please know that you have encouraged us deeply simply by praying and loving us through this.


  1. Misse (Smith) HendersonJanuary 20, 2010 at 2:10 PM

    Hey guys, it's Misse. I've been reading your blog since I found out Summer was pregnant again. Sorry I haven't commented up until this point. I sit here in tears not knowing what to say. My heart breaks for you guys and I truly hope your prayers are answered. I will be thinking of you this Sunday.

  2. Rick and summer... Our church has been and will be praying for you on Sunday! You know that we have and will as well. You guys are special to us through that bound of seminary and we think of you often. We remembered just yesterday how we found out you were pregnant with your first... Rick was driving to the Billy Graham Crusade at Texas Staduim and Summer had to have you pull over the car and throw-up. You had to tell us then as if we hadn't already guessed it! hehehehehe, that precious memory of you guys puts a smile on our faces. :) I hope I gave you a smile as you are facing this most difficult trial. Please know our thoughts and hearts will be with you Sunday as we have been in your situation ourselves. I (Steph) wish I could just hug and cry with the both of you... I am praying for a miracle as I know you are. Father God, may your will be done and may you be glorified in Rick and Summer and in their children. Hold them close Father, In Jesus name and for His fame,Amen.

    With much love and our most fervent prayers,
    Jason and Steph Briggs

  3. You two are a testimony to those around you of God's grace & glory....there is so much love for that little one & I know God is going to be glorified thru it all & people will see a love & caring you have because of His great love....

    Praying for you all - Rick, Summer, Caden, Ellie & Will....may your strength be mighty, esp you, Summer, in birthing this precious son or daughter....
