Wednesday, December 9, 2009

12.9.09 Update

Just wanted to fill everyone in on the results of our ultrasound today. There really was no change - the placenta has not moved and is still partially covering the cervix. Although the tech was so great and tried so hard to find out what the baby's gender was, it just wasn't showing.  So the baby continues to be either a Selah or a Michael.

The praise is that our experience at the doctors office today was totally the opposite of what we had experienced in the past. The tech and staff were so full of compassion and understanding of our needs. It was a true blessing in a painful trial.

Summer has two more weeks before week 32.  The stats are that the placenta will probably not move after 32 weeks. We will have another ultrasound at that time and we will schedule a deliver date for the end of January. Please pray that the placenta would move in these next two weeks so that Summer can avoid a C-section.

Thank you all for your love and encouragement and your prayers. We have been overwhelmed at times. We praise God for the body of Christ!


  1. Summer & Rick,
    Thank you for posting more of your story. I just saw this a few days ago and would love to be praying for you both in this season of your lives. I love you so very much. I hurt for you. Greta

  2. Rick and Summer.......just wanted you to know I've been thinking about and praying for you and Michael/Selah....and Woodville United Methodist will be praying as well. Please keep prayer concerns coming so I can keep the prayer chain informed. You will be lifted by some awesome prayer warriors!!
